Our laboratories are your most reliable consultant in the prevention and management of Legionella, offering a comprehensive package of services related to its prevention and detection.

Major hotel chains, tourism agencies, and entities from both the private and public sectors trust CHEMICOTECHNIKI laboratories as expert consultants, ensuring their protection against any risks that could pose ethical, economic, legal, or social problems.

The laboratories have:

  • Accreditation from ESYD according to ISO 17025 for “Detection and enumeration of Legionella spp” using the international standard ISO 11731 for water and environmental samples.
  • Capability to detect Legionella using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology (Real-Time PCR) – Analysis time 2 days.
  • Accreditation from ESYD for water sampling according to the ISO 5667 series.
  • Experienced technical staff with extensive experience in this field.

Additionally, we provide our clients with the LEGIONELLA PROTOCOL, which includes: Inspection of facilities, mapping of the network and critical control points, preparation of sampling and analysis program, water sampling and analysis, advisory support and evaluation of test results, proposed technical actions for water treatment and system maintenance, documentation maintenance, preparation of inspection reports, compliance with regulatory requirements.